Monday, January 7, 2019

I had never considered what is happening today in America to be possible.  Perhaps only idly, in a science fiction way, but never believed I would witness it taking place - like a bad dream as a child where the goblin is chasing you and catching up and your feet won't move fast enough to outrun it.  But there is no waking up to the comfort of your previous sane reality - now something has changed and there seems to be nothing we can do but watch this nightmare unfold. 

Some see history as cyclical and given the events leading up to the 2nd World War this may hold some truth.  But at that time demagogues were able to successfully exploit the base impoverishment of many German citizens who still fumed at the vengeful and punitive nature of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919, then being enforced by the victorious and perhaps vindictive Allies.  The world economic crisis beginning at the end of the 1920's only intensified the suffering leading to the usurpation of democracy in Germany completed by a small but intent group of fascists.  But without the active participation of the owners of the industrial infrastructure they could never have been successful.  Having just read The Order of the Day by Eric Vuillard brought home the mechanical amorality of the families who operated this infrastructure during that time and the exact condition we now face in the US.  The amoral support of any government that will allow native industry to amass unimaginable wealth.  24 of these Captains of German industry  were present.  They operated businesses like Krupps, BASF, Bayer, Agfa, Opel, IG Farben, Siemens, Allianz and Telefunken in this meeting with the newly ascendant Nazi Party on February 20, 1933 where both Goering and Hitler were present.  Hitler addressed the captains of industry as he was in need of enormous capital to continue to prosper his regime.  He gave a brief speech and then there was a call for contributions.  These companies gave freely - Krupp beginning with one million marks others following similarly.  "Corruption is an irreducible line item in the budget of large companies, and it goes by several names: lobbying fees, gifts, political contributions."  Today in the US we see this mechanism destroying our democracy and giving us a mercantile oligarchy where enormous capital interests not only own the White House but both houses of Congress - and now the Supreme Court.  Please read Vuillards' small history of this important meeting and the Annexation of Austria at the beginning of WW2.

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